As mentioned on our about us page, we are the original and true WAYNE COUNTY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, a Pure Common Law Trust Organization. Our assembly was formed in February of 2011 to bring together the private men and women on the land, in peaceful assembly, for common law education. Looking to completely Re-inhabit & Reconstruct the republic on Michigan, we have adopted a strategy put forth by Charles Stewart of Constitutionalgov.us.
Charles has been generous enough, to not only bring forth this model, but he has also made each of the documents available in an editable format, so that any community in the nation, can customize for their use. The Wayne County General Assembly has gone through the exercise of customizing and accepting the foundational Oath of Office for that of “Qualified Elector” and begin building our common law townships. We suggest that each county assembly, that comes into existence, on Michigan, customize the documents for their use.
This is a very short (5:52) clip from our first call with Charles back in March of 2019. It explains, very succinctly, our objective. Click HEREto review.
Here is a clip, just under 45 minutes in length from a discussion regarding the definition of the word “person according to the United States Code along with a discussion on the “Oath of Office” for the Township level Public Office of “Qualified Elector” by Charles HERE.
Here is a clip, of a discussion on the “Oath of Office” for the Public Office of “Township Constable”, the “Oath of Office” for the Public Office of “Justice of the Peace”, as well as, the “Affirmed List of Qualified Electors” document by Charles HERE.
We are free men and women, of peace, with united goals to break our chains of bondage and slavery from the De facto corporate United States of America. Towards that end, we have put in place a sovereign Pure Common Law Trust Organization consisting of Americans, Indigenous peoples, Nationals, and members who, as an organization operate within the sovereign jurisdiction of the trust and the original jurisdiction of the republic.