“Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
First, a short summation of HOW it is we got this way
THE CORPORATION: What IS a Corporation?
Former US Marine Speaks the Truth & Nails it!
Deliberate implosion of US economy -Former Sec. of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts
America: Freedom to Fascism The largest counterfeiter in the history of the world consists of the…A Shocking Korean Documentary: How You Are Being Mind Controlled and Don’t Know It (Opens in a new window)
Then Congressman West of Florida Admits The United States Is a CORPORATION and the President is the CEO
All Wars Are Bankers Wars (Opens in new window)
The Big Plantation-Full The UNITED STATES is a Corporation 1933 Bankruptcy
Big Bank FAIL – Judge rules BOA foreclosures unconstitutional
MONEY = DEBT Modern Money Mechanics The Fractional Reserve SystemJFK TO 911 EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN’S TRICK BY FRANCIS RICHARD CONOLLY (Opens in new window)